iNoise version 2023 released
Today iNoise V2023 has been released. In this version the calculation and display of results of wind turbines have been further improved following the guidelines of the IOA-GPG to ETSU R-97. New import and export options for ESRI File Geodatabase (*.gdb), GeoPackage-file (*.gpkg) and GML-file (*.gml) have been added. Also the model info now supports the EPSG code of the local coordinate system. This allows coordinate conversion while importing items from a file (e.g. SHP file) that has a different EPSG code. In order to protect the results of a calculated model, an option to lock and unlock a model (read-only) has been added to the quick links tab page of the side bar.
For all changes in iNoise V2023 see the readme file. You can download the new version at the iNoise download page.