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ADIF’s CNOSSOS-EU train database for Spain implemented in iNoise

The ADIF CNOSSOS train database for Spain is available for use in iNoise V2024. This enables users to make noise models in full compliance with the current Spanish national implementation of the EU Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC.
It is based on the revised ADIF guide from November 2023 “Guía para la aplicación del método CNOSSOS-EU en la modelización del ruido producido por las circulaciones ferroviarias en las infraestructuras de ADIF y ADIF AV 1ª EDICIÓN: NOVIEMBRE 2023 (Rev. 2)”. To access the required files, download our iNoise ADIF CNOSSOS Train Database Pack from the DGMR Software website at https://dgmrsoftware.com/downloads/. This includes the catalogue files for compliance with the database plus instructions on how to install and use them.