Valley correction for wind turbine noise

News and events The IOA GPG TO ETSU-R-97 recommends that a correction of +3 dB (or +1.5 dB if using G=0.0)  should be added to the calculated noise level of a wind turbine for propagation “across a valley”. The following criterion of application is recommended: hm ≥...

Meet us at Acoustics 2018 in Cardiff

News and events DGMR Software will exhibit at Acoustics 2018, 23-24 April in Cardiff, UK. This will be a good opportunity to talk to the developers of iNoise and NoiseAtWork and experience the latest features in the software. Current Monthmay IOA conference Acoustics...

Live Q&A webinars

News and events Join us for the coming Live Q&A Webinars where we will answer any iNoise or NoiseAtWork question you might have, or simply learn from our answers on questions from others! Click here to view and register for the coming Q/A Webinars. Current...

Workshop Environmental Noise Modelling and Prediction

News and Events Date/time: Tuesday, November 21, 15:40 – 17:20 Location: Pan Pacific Hotel, room C Perth, Australia Instructor: S.E. (Erwin) Hartog van Banda Invitation for free short course on environmental noise modelling and prediction with iNoise This short...

Meet us in Canada and Australia

News and events DGMR Software will exhibit this year at Acoustics Week 2017 in Canada and Acoustics 2017 in Australia. This will be a good opportunity to talk to the developers face to face! We intent to also organise a free iNoise workshop during both events. In case...

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