Free Short course on environmental noise prediction and quality assurance for ISO 9613 and CRTN
Tuesday, November 6, 15:30 – 17:30
Acoustics 2018
Adelaide Convention Center
Room: L1b
This short course gives insight in the world of environmental noise modelling and prediction. Attendees can expect an up to date and realistic view on this topic from an acoustic consultant who became involved in the implementation of noise calculation methods in software. The workshop includes an instruction on the new version 2019 of the Predictor software. Also a comparison is made between the Predictor software and the iNoise software.
Environmental noise prediction methods and quality assurance
- General principles
- Empirical, theoretical and numerical calculation methods
- Quality assurance for ISO 9613 and CRTN
- CNOSSOS-EU, latest developments
Environmental noise modelling with Predictor
- General overview of the GUI
- Using background maps: Google Earth bitmap images, Shape files, on-line WMS and WMTS
- Item import: GIS files, CAD files, QSI files
- Item edit: Copy/paste, multi-edit, Excel link
- Source items: Roads, railways, wind turbines, moving sources etc. Convert Lp values to Lw
- Barrier items: Raised barriers, overhangs, transmission loss
- Calculations: Single point, horizontal contours, vertical contours (on facades)
- Analyst: Cumulation of noise contour maps with the new Analyst method
- Predictor compared with iNoise
You can register for this free course by filling in this form:
[contact-form-7 id=”6058″ title=”Registration Short course Environmental noise prediction”]