Oct 11, 2018 | All, Events
Home » All DGMR Software and Stapelfeldt Ingeniersgesellschaft will exhibit together as Softnoise on 6-9 November at Acoustics 2018 in Adelaide. Please feel free to visit our Softnoise booth and receive the latest information on iNoise and Predictor-LimA V2019. News...
Aug 17, 2018 | All, Events
News and events DGMR Software and Stapelfeldt Ingeniersgesellschaft will exhibit together as Softnoise on 26-29 August at Inter-Noise 2018 in Chicago, USA. Please feel free to visit our Softnoise booth and receive the latest information on our software products...
May 22, 2018 | All, Events
News and events DGMR Software and Stapelfeldt Ingeniersgesellschaft will exhibit together as Softnoise on 27-31 May at Euronoise 2018 in Crete. Please feel free to visit our Softnoise booth and receive the latest information on CNOSSOS-EU and our software products...
Mar 27, 2018 | All, iNoise, News
News and events A set of 12 tutorial videos is now available in the iNoise Gallery at https://dgmrsoftware.com/products/inoise/gallery/. The videos will guide new users step by step through the process of setting up and calculating models with iNoise. Current Monthmay...
Mar 22, 2018 | All, Events, iNoise
News and events The IOA GPG TO ETSU-R-97 recommends that a correction of +3 dB (or +1.5 dB if using G=0.0) should be added to the calculated noise level of a wind turbine for propagation “across a valley”. The following criterion of application is recommended: hm ≥...