ISO 9613-2:2024 now supported in iNoise

The recently published 2024 edition of the ISO 9613-2 noise calculation method is now available in iNoise. Implemented in iNoise 2024.2 which is just released, the new edition of ISO 9613-2 includes a number of changes and modifications enabling more accurate modeling of wind turbine noise than previously.
iNoise 2024.2 also now can show the results from an entire wind farm per receiver per wind speed class, has a new option for presenting the minimum and maximum noise levels for buildings, and improved import and export including the added support of over 400 3D co-ordinate systems. The release also fixes a few issues. A full list of changes is available in the readme file included in the installation file.
Note: the ISO logo is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Source: International Organization for Standardization